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How To Submit Your website / Blogger Blogs To Google Search Engines [Full Turorial]

Here am sharing complete guide to submit your websites to google search engine,
you can follow the below steps to add your site on google.

             Submit Your Site Here

Submit Sitemap to Google:
This is the first thing that you need to do. Generate a sitemap of your blog and submit it to Google webmaster tool. This will eventually help Google to crawl your site effectively, and you can keep a track how many links are being indexed by Google.  If you have not submitted your sitemap till now, go ahead and submit your sitemap to Google webmaster tool.

Webmaster settings:

Webmaster settings enable you to configure some important things like Geographical target. If your blog or service is limited to one particular region, configure it for that. For example one of my client WordPress blog is for Australian kids fashion, so I configured her blog Geographical target as Australia. Same goes with your blog or service. If your blog targets Globally, leave it as it is. WordPress take care of www and non-www though I suggest use Google webmaster tools to configure this setting as well.

Some time back Shoutmeloud got site links and if you don’t know what are site links read here. Site link are the pages from your site and website which Google find useful and from my experience pages you link the most define your site links. Some time Google add less useful posts or pages like disclaimer and privacy policy as site link. In this case you can use this feature of webmaster tool to configure your site links. You can’t add links to be included into your site links from here but you can always block unwanted links.

When it comes to maintaining your search engine ranking and improving it, finding the top ranking keywords is one of the crucial parts. Search queries feature of Google webmaster tool, will show you which keyword you ranking for, your Google position and link to the post. They recently revamped this and added post link and search engine placement feature.  You can use WordPress plugin like SEO Smart link to auto link such keywords to maintain your ranking and also try to push posts on the second page to first page in search engine. This is so far one of the top features that you should be using now.


Ranking for the right keyword is more important than ranking for the wrong keyword. If your blog is about shoes, and you rank for keywords like shirts and trousers and you are on the first page, such traffic is useless. Google webmaster keyword tool determine which keyword they found while crawling your site.

If you are ranking for a wrong keyword, your strategy should find the cause and try to show the related and useful keyword to search engine.

There are many other tools like website speed, internal links, crawl errors that are equally important. I suggest you should spend some time inside your Google webmaster tool today and come back with your queries. Let’s make a good discussion thread about SEO using Google Webmaster tool.

Bijoy Tech

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