Getting more??twitter??followers is a tough job.Marketers and business owners find them themselves in great hassle in getting twitter followers.Getting real twitter follower is really a pain if you are not Celebrity or Top Gun in your industry.Today I am going to reveal a simple twitter trick to get more twitter followers instantly.
Here is the step by step process to get real twitter followers:
- Go to TwitterCounter
- Here you find the Top 100 most influential users on Twitter.Twitter users with the highest number of followers.
- Select top 10 People with the highest number of Twitter can extend the target list and select more than 10 ??Celebrities.However, I stick to only Top 10 users with highest followers.
- Open each profile in the new tab in this way, Tab 1 = profile one, Tab 2 = Profile??two, Tab 3= Profile 3, click on their username .where you can directly??land on their twitter profile page.Follow them all in each step. After 5 minutes unfollow??all.
- Repeat the process for some time.Keep following and following them for after every 5 minutes. Repeat the process at least for one hour.
- just after 1 hours you will get 400 to 500 real twitter followers.
- How This Process Work.
- Top Twitter Guns have the hundreds of followers, following them time.
- when you follow them your name??come to the top in their followers list.
- Anyone who is going to follow them may also follow you.
- Anyone who is going to follow their followers may also follow you.
- Anyone who is going to Check their profile, may also check your profile and follow you.
- Anyone that see’s their tweets, also??see you first and also follow you.
- I have 10 twitters of which I using the same trick to get the twitter followers.The get the most of this trick, try this in peak hours when maximum twitter user is active.I usually do it at 8 P.M to 10 P.M.
- The only thing, you need to do, is to your profile updated with uninteresting stuff, so your profile looks natural and starts getting followers automatically.
Important Steps:
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